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Member Spotlight

Lance Melamud


Where do you work?


Duane Morris LLP


When and why did you join MDFAWL?


I joined MDFAWL in 2022 after attending a FAWL event as a guest of a Miami-Dade judge. I found the group inspiring and welcoming, with an eagerness to network and support its members. The event was also very active and had an overwhelming turnout, which led me to see that FAWL is headed towards greater and bigger things in the future, and I wanted to be a part of that continued growth.


What advice do you have for women in the legal profession?


I have received many great pieces of advice from women over the years, both in a personal context from family members and in a professional context from judges and attorneys. However, I would say the best piece of advice that I have received professionally from a woman has really come in the form of actions and not words. Since joining my current firm, my supervising attorney (Danielle Rundlett-Burns) has given me the best piece of “advice” on how to lead a team by showing me through her actions. She leads through endearment using patience, understanding, and empathy. I’ve noticed that type of leadership style results in higher productivity and consistently successful outcomes because she endears herself to others, and in turn, others endear themselves to her. If your team loves working for you, then they will work hard to make you proud; whereas, if your team is intimidated by you, then your team is only working to not disappoint you. Seeing how my supervising attorney leads our team has set a great example for me on how to achieve long-term success for a practice group. I would say that is the best piece of “advice” that I have received from a woman.


When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you use it?


Going on walks, including taking my dog to the dog park for both of us to get some fresh air.


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